Efficient water management at airports

Cam Ranh International Airport in Central Vietnam welcomes more than 8.5 million passengers per year. The increasing number of travelers has made clear the need for proper management of both the water supply and the discharge of waste water into the surrounding environment. The most suitable solution involved the installation of an electromagnetic flowmeter [...]

2024-01-11T14:35:00+00:0011/01/2024|Water | Wastewater|

Drought emergency: reducing water losses

The world is struggling with increasing drought and all of its consequences. The numbers rerelating to water losses in the various distribution networks are alarming. An emergency situation like this calls for intervention on existing infrastructures using a new approach.  WATER STRESS According to the Unicef-WHO Report, the disparities in water consumption around the [...]

2022-09-09T13:20:17+00:0008/09/2022|Water | Wastewater|

Ultrasonic water flowmeters in greenhouse horticulture

Ultrasonic flowmeters are on the rise in greenhouse horticulture. There are strong reasons for that. To keep control over water consumption and flow capacities, the need for fast and accurate measuring is growing. In the past, mainly mechanical instruments were used for this purpose, such as a propeller or a paddle wheel. However, since [...]

Analysis of bathing water circulation in public swimming pools

Verification of volume flows with KATflow 200 to check energy-optimised control systems The German electronics specialists from Klingenberger GmbH undertake control cabinet construction and building control technology projects for public swimming pools and public buildings. In addition to production, installation and commissioning, their services include project planning for the conversion, renovation and new construction [...]

Flood risk flow measuring

Anyone who manages an extensive water supply network or a sewage system has to deal with checks and flow measurements of very diverse types and sizes of pipes. With the current generation of measuring equipment, almost all water flows can be measured. Also in areas subject to extreme weather conditions and/or the risk of [...]

2021-07-22T10:25:52+00:0022/07/2021|Floods, Water | Wastewater|

Periodic capacity measurement

CLAMP-ON FLOWMETERS FOR HYDRANTS Annually checking of fire hydrants and extinguishing systems for proper functioning? We are happy to be of assistance. Our non-invasive capacity measurements quickly provide insight into any bottlenecks. You will receive a report and certificate upon completion. U-F-M has got you covered. HYDRANTS - more info [...]

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